Introduction: The Itch for Adventure
Saturday I got the itch to want to go on a date with Shay. However, I didn't want to go to any of our usual places. Before I got too far into planning, I messaged her and asked if she wanted to go on a date. She said yes! I have always had this dream that one day I would be able to pick her up, head to the airport, and we'd hop a flight somewhere just for dinner and then turn around and come home. We've got kids! Today wasn't going to be that day.
Surprise Twist: A Change of Plans at the Airport
I came up with a better idea. I surprised her by renting a Dodge Challenger from the airport, and we would drive to Greensboro, SC for dinner. You know, a night out in the big city. We hopped in the car and drove to the airport. I told her we were about to hop on a plane. She said, "Stop playing." I pulled into the parking lot at the airport and said, "Wait here." I jumped out of the car thinking to myself she was going to be surprised when she saw the real plan.
I walked up to the rental car counter; they were smiling and laughing. I'm smiling, I give them my name and credit card, and he turns and says, "We don't have your car; they overbooked us. Do you want a van or SUV?" No, I said! He suggested I check with the other rental places inside. 30 minutes later, I was starting up the Jeep telling her to walk into the parking lot. It took so long because I first accidentally rented a Dodge Charger. They didn't have a Challenger, so I said I'd take the Jeep.
The Road to Greensboro: A Jeep Experience
I pull up on her and say, "Hop in, baby. We have dinner reservations in Greensboro, SC." She was shocked. We had never been to Greensboro, and we had never been to the restaurant we were going to. I smiled and thought to myself, "I am the man. If I don't get lucky tonight after all this... I'm kidding, or am I? Lol..."
It was a beautiful spring evening. I decided to take the top off the Jeep. I would have taken the doors off too, but the kit to do it wasn't in the rental car. About 20 minutes into the drive, I decided to let her drive. She had never driven a Jeep. And it was quite an experience, if you ask me, so I wanted to share it with her.
Dinner in Greensboro: New Tastes and Old Bonds
As she is driving down the freeway, the wind is blowing, and we realize Jeeps are light! It was pretty scary driving down a two-lane freeway with the Jeep blowing with the wind and us feeling every little bump in the road. Nonetheless, we kept it moving, listening to music, and chatting every now and again. I was in my happy place, but something was missing.
We made it to Greensboro, and even though we were 30 minutes late, the restaurant seated us right away. Shay had gumbo. And I had chicken & mac and cheese waffle. I never in my life had something like that. When in a new city, you must try new things! It turned out to be amazing. We had a good time at dinner.
A Silent Ride Home: A Missed Opportunity for Deeper Connection
After dinner, the temperature had dropped, and the wind had picked up. We walked around for a few and then back to the Jeep, where I struggled for 10 minutes to put the top back on while Shay recorded some videos in her cute outfit for the gram.
Once I started down the open highway, I felt it again like something was missing. And it hit me. I wanted to connect with her during some deep conversation on life, love, something. But I was afraid to start the conversation. I thought to myself, how could I be afraid to start up a conversation with my wife? In that moment, I had a need, but I wasn't vulnerable enough to ask for what I wanted. Deep down, I thought, what if she didn't want to connect with me. Shouldn't her company be enough? I drove home the rest of the way in silence; she eventually dozed off to sleep.
Reflections and Realizations: The Importance of Being Present
When I got home, I chose to focus on the good things that happened on our date and table the connection conversation till after I woke up. The next morning during my journaling, it hit me. Presence does not equal being present. What I wanted in that moment was a connection in the present. And just because we are married doesn't always come automatically; it requires effort and putting oneself out there sometimes.
Later that evening I told her I enjoyed our date. Then I told her I wanted to connect more via conversation during our date. It would be something I'd like to see us work on our next date. I felt vulnerable when telling her but felt good afterward because, regardless of how I felt, I was willing to say what needed to be said to connect with my baby!
Because I had the Jeep for 24 hours, I made the most of it. If I had never been in a Jeep that means the kids had not either. So after church, I took the boys on a ride in the Jeep. It felt good to be with my boys just out riding and talking. As boys get older, they don't always want to hang with you. I appreciate any moment mine do. I decided to give them the no-top experience even though every cloud in the sky said I'm going to rain on your head. Sure enough, 10 minutes into the top-down ride it starts raining on our heads. I pulled over to the side of the freeway, and we put the top back on. I am sure it is an experience they won't forget, neither will I.
Life is always teaching us something and challenging us to be better. We just have to slow down and listen. Would I rent a Jeep again? I don't know. Probably if I were going off-road. But for an everyday driver, that thing is terrible on gas! But either way, that was the best $200.00 I spent in a long time.