The Lasting Impact of Poverty
It's not poverty that stains you. It's the scars left behind. Poverty Scars, I have recently given myself permission to become rich. It took me until now, age 44, to truly give myself permission. While I thought the moment would be triumph, it wasn't. It was met with a thud; the chains were still there. Have you ever felt chains you couldn't see?
Discovering the Science of Getting Rich
How I came to this conclusion was when I pulled the book "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattle off my bookshelf. After I was done, I believed it was my duty to get rich to care for my family and myself and help my community. I have always wanted to buy some well-made, expensive black jeans without thinking about the price. But I had a mental block that wouldn't allow me to lean into what I read. There was something in between me taking in the ideas and owning them. I felt the pull and the friction that comes with wanting something different.
Focusing on Building Something New
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." - Socrates
I wanted to focus my energy on building something new. One day, I was driving to get gas, and I was comparing prices like I usually do. I knew I could get gas somewhere else cheaper, so I decided to just put 5 dollars in the tank for now to buy me time. The gas price was $3.10 per gallon. Mind you, my car takes 15 gallons of gas.
Breaking Free from the Poverty Scar
As I was driving away from the gas station, it hit me. I had the money to fill the tank up, but I didn't because I was trying to save a few cents per gallon. But where did this come from? Why was this so important to me? I realized I had a poverty scar around gas prices. When I was younger, I remember my father, a hard-working man, always paying attention to the gas price. I rarely ever saw him fill up. He would get $10 here and $5 there, etc. I'm sure he had his reasons.
When I became an adult, I rarely ever filled up my tank. I remember filling up the tank if I rented a car, only then because it was required. It seemed as though if I put all that money out for gas at once, I would be missing out on something or running out of money.
After leaving the gas station that day, I made a conscious decision to fill up my tank the next time I needed gas, regardless of the cost. I knew I had to break free from the poverty scar that had been holding me back. The first time I filled up my tank, it was challenging not to fixate on the price. However, as I stood there watching the numbers climb, I felt a newfound sense of freedom wash over me. I realized that I had the means to afford a full tank of gas, and that knowledge empowered me.
The second time I filled up, it was easier. Filling my tank no longer held the same emotional weight it once did. While I still find myself automatically glancing at gas prices out of habit, I now make a conscious effort to remind myself that my poverty scar is healing. Each time I fill up my tank, I am taking a small but significant step towards breaking free from the limitations of my past and embracing a more abundant future. How about you? What small steps can you take today towards your freedom?
Reflection: Identifying and Addressing Poverty Scars
We all carry scars from our past, shaping how we view money and abundance. Recognizing and healing these scars is crucial, not just for financial freedom, but for our overall well-being. Instead of dwelling on past limitations, what new story can you write for yourself?
Journal Prompts:
- What is one poverty scar that you have identified in your life, and how has it been holding you back?
- What steps can you take today to start healing this poverty scar and break free from its limiting beliefs and embrace a more abundant life?
Remember, acknowledging your poverty scars is the first step towards healing and growth. Be kind and compassionate with yourself as you embark on this journey of self-discovery and transformation.