Turn Up Your Weekend: Beats, Bites, and Bold Moves!

Opinions are like mixtapes—everyone thinks theirs is the best but not everyone wants to hear it! Don't let someone else's review of your life's playlist drown out your own beats. Remember, you're the DJ of your own life, so play it loud and proud!- Jalal Wilson

Random observations from this week!

  • There are people waiting for you to come into their life and make it better. You just have to be willing to come out your comfort zone to make it happen.

  • Smoked chicken is amazing! I smoked chicken for the first time this week. I had it in chicken noodle soup. And for the main course with some sides. Then cold one day it was good all three ways(Yes I said cold!)

  • Stop overthinking just start! I was told by a coach this week most entrepreneurs spend 10 years studying the thing going to conferences buying book before doing the thing. I felt called out lol. We have to just start!!

Quote of the week:

"We cannot escape fear. We can only transform it into a companion that accompanies us on all our exciting adventures.... Take a risk a day- one small or bold stroke will make you feel great once you have done it" - Susan Jeffers

Book I'm Reading

You are a badass at making money - Jen Sincero

I enjoy this book because she is funny. And she did not get started until she was 40. She has some good exercises for shifting your mind around making money.


What is the one thing you love about you? And how can you lean into that more?

I hope this was helpful!! And remember you are enough! Keep going!!